Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Story Behind of Some Muffins for The Boss

There is a story about My Homemade Muffin. My ex-boss, three weeks ago came to Jobsite for his job project. Before he came, I asked for help to use his account shipping. And the story began when my mixer to make a cake or cookies was broken. When I knew my mixer was broken and could not fix it like used to, my heart said..oo..oo..and my oldest son’s birthday came in the end of this month. No cake, no cookies and my plan could not continue like I plan for Satya’s Birthday. Ups..what should I do..for 2-3 days, I still did not have a idea. HERO, the only one shop at Tembagapura, and on that week not sale the mixer. Oow…wait my schedule vacation, it’s need too long day and time. I promised to Satya will make a Robot Cake for him…and the road was open. I try to sent email to my friend (James Young) at Phoenix Office to brought mixer from US (he..he…because I knew his schedule when he visit to jobsite – he came in the first week on November). But he refused to bring Kitchen Aid that I plan to order via ebay and he gave me a clue…Ya there is another way to bring the mixer from Jobsite. He ask me to contact My ex Bos, Dan Cornette. He plan to come to jobsite too. O really, (I am rather hopeless for this, It will work?). I sent my Ex-Boss, the email with subject Ask for help….with hik..hik…(the evil word?) I speak about my mixer, my son’s birthday and my promise. And surprise…my nicely boss said Its Ok Indah you can use my account. Walah…DHL shipping will help to delivery my mixer later…Wooh…Imagine the price of that mixer at Indonesia. Four and a half million rupiah and buy via their dealer. I bought via ebay only two million and an half with delivery charge to the address buyer (my dearest friend Thariq at Phoenix help me to bought this tm via ebay). And now, I hope that mixer will come to the jobsite ASAP.

Back to the story…And Dan came to the jobsite. Like a father with his daughter, he like happy when met us at Jobsite. Give me big hugh! He said to me…And I almost scream when I saw him. Pak Daaaan….Hello…apa kabar….So I said, Pak Dan I promise I will make some Muffin for you (he always like Muffin) for your kind…Oh no bother Indah. Please use it. N what happen with new mixer? Already at Jobsite? No Pak. Thariq will arrange for me to delivery my Kitchen Aid. Oh OK…Good to see you Pak Dan, welcome to the Grasberg…Okey…
And one week later….Pak Dan came to see me…Indah, I just wonder…about the Muffin. Have you tried the new mixer to make a Muffin? He..he..he remember my promise to him. Oh Pak, unfortunately the mixer still can not delivery to jobsite. Why? So you can not make Muffin? Ya Pak…but do not worry, I still will make a Muffin for you. How? With manual mixer Pak. Do you mean? With hand Pak, use a whisker…Oh..oke..I just wonder…I said, OK pak..wait tomorrow for the muffin. He’s smile and he gone from my face..So after work, at home I look recipe Muffin without Mixer. And I found Mba Vania’s Muffin recipe..So delicious….Chocolate Oat Meal Muffin (with coffee taste modification). Tommorow the Muffin already to deserve for My Bos…

Ow Indah so surprise, you bring Muffins for me. Thank you…And you know what? He eat only one Muffin, for the rest? He gave to another friends that came to him. But It’s OK. My Muffin was sold out he..he…and my friends ask me, Mba, please make some Muffin and we will buy from you or I want order some muffin from you? Haaaah…I did not intend to sell the Muffin. I just want to give the Muffin for Pak Dan. No…no Mba, please…give some more. The Chocolate so right in the mouth…Maybe next time. I will tell the price for one Muffin later. OK…Oh common Mba, no later..please count your shopping for one recipe of Muffin and sell it. Later..girls..later…..

Monday, December 01, 2008

Ultah Mas Ata yang ke 4

Anak ibu tgl 30 November sudah besar, sudah 4 tahun. Yang jelas sih heboh abis buat persiapannya. Abis gimana, den Bagus minta dirayain juga. Thema-nya jelas, serba robot. Goodie bag-nya yah berbau robot. Cupcakenya pakai edible image via mba Vita (thanks mba yang sudah direpotin) dan foto mas Ata n robot terpampang kayak perangko deh nempel di amplop. Kesibukan sudah dimulai seminggu sebelumnya. Bikin kukis hias, bikin undangan, bikin tas goodiebag (secara tante Uut salah beli harusnya tas goodie bag eh tante hanya beli plastik bungkus..pff...cape deh n walhasil Ayah selama 2 minggu pulang kerja buat prakarya bikis tas goodie bag rancangan Emak-nya Satya). Si Mba nyicil2 buat isi nasi kuning dari buat kering tempe, kelapa urap, ungkep ayam dan perkedel si favorit mas Ata. Buat cupcake sebagai kue ultah di hari Minggu sdh mulai pas Jum'at. Sabtu buat cupcake buat isi goodie bag serta kue Ultahnya dan hari minggu buat kue bitterbalen ala mba Lia Surabaya, Puding Coklat ala Ibune Satya he..he.. dan hias2 cupcake serta kue Ultahnya.

Cerita seru-nya pas di sekolah mas Ata. Heboh dong...secara kue-nya ada foto yang Ultah plus robot transformer picturenya. Pada ngerubung deh temen2nya mas Ata & Mas Ata keliatan bangga banget soale selama perayaan Ultah di sekolah belum ada kue model gitu. Ilmu hias yang pas-pasan ketolong ama Edible foto2 itu. Janji sih cuti mau ambil kursus hias menghias kue..paling ke Mba Fat di Matraman, moga bisa ambil privatisasi dey....dan yang bikin seneng kue-nya ludes..des...des..Kata Pak Inco guru-nya mas Ata, " Bu kuenya pasti enak nih secara anak-anak kok nambah sampai 3x semua. Paling dikit 2x nih. Saya cobain ah". Sambil idung yang kembang kempis nih nunggu komentarnya tuh Mr Inco keluar deh..wah..bener bu emang enak kue-nya..wah jadi mekrok deh hidung ini..he..he...trus diikuti pujian guru yang lain deh...

Mas Ata, selamat ulang tahun. Semoga jadi anak yang pintar, berbakti selalu sama orang tua, taat beribadah kepada Allah, sayang kepada adik dan teman2, berguna bagi agama dan negara-nya kelak. Amin.